and supplements for pregnant women
For you and your baby, proper nutritional support is one of the key issues. Pregnacare is a line of products containing vitamins and minerals necessary during the special period of pregnancy.
A wealth of ingredients in a handy form
Pregnacare is a whole series of products that help with appropriate supplementation before, during and after pregnancy, as well as while breastfeeding.
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60 żelek
Pyszne żelki do żucia o smaku jagód i truskawek. Zawierają 17 ważnych składników odżywczych, takich jak kwas foliowy, witamina D i wiele innych.
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Pregnacare Liquid
syrop 200ML
Zabezpiecz swoją dietę starannie opracowanym płynnym suplementem ze składnikami niezbędnymi w okresie ciąży. Delikatna dla żołądka alternatywa dla tabletek, o wyśmienitym smaku pomarańczowym.
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Pregnacare Original
30 tablets
A preparation containing 19 vitamins, micro- and macroelements in safe doses that will help you supplement your diet during pregnancy.
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Pregnacare before conception
30 tablets
Contains folic acid, vitamin D, iron and zinc - ingredients that help prepare the body for conceiving a child.
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Pregnacare Max
56 tablets / 28 capsules
A comprehensive collection of over 20 ingredients essential for the development of the child and the health of the mother in the prenatal period
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Pregnacare breastfeeding
56 tablets / 28 capsules
A collection of ingredients that are key during breastfeeding - both for the child's development and the mother's health. It contains DHA acid, iron, calcium and iodine.
Microelements and vitamins for pregnant women - what to pay attention to?
In Pregnacare you will find what is necessary to support your health and the development of your child. Our supplements contain , among others : vitamin D (supports proper cell division), calcium (supports proper bone growth), B vitamins (for proper production of red blood cells and energy acquisition processes), iodine (essential for proper functioning of the thyroid gland), DHA acids (for proper development of the child's brain and eyes).